Principal's Message

Welcome to the Harlan High School Webpage! We are excited to partner with parents across the area in the education of their children.
Being a Dragon is so much more than just being enrolled at Harlan. It is more than taking classes and having your name on the roster. It is more than being at the events or walking the halls.
Being a Dragon means something. It is something that you have to determine, not just do. It is a pride that can only be attained by working to be the best at everything you do.
Being a Dragon is something bigger than yourself. It is a heritage that has thrived for over a hundred years.
Being a Dragon is so much more than just going to high school. It is choice you make to strive for greatness. Being a Dragon is about Family, it is about Pride, and it is about You. In life, nothing worth obtaining comes easy. So stay the course, dream big, work hard, achieve greatness, be proud of who you are, because…..YOU are a DRAGON!
Archived Messages