
Job Postings in the Harlan Independent School District

Thank you for your interest in job opportunities with the Harlan Independent School District. The Harlan Independent School District is a high-performing school district that is focused on student success. Ranking among the Commonwealth's highest-performing school districts, Harlan Independent is recognized as the educational leader in our community, region, and state. With unmatched academic success, the faculty, staff, and administration are the driving force in equipping our students for a successful future. Working together, we provide an exceptional systematic educational experience for all students K3- 12th grade.

Sunshine Preschool serves three, four, and five-year-old students seeking an exciting and engaging entry-level school experience. Students in Kindergarten through fourth grade are housed at Harlan Elementary School, Harlan County’s only 5-Star rated elementary school. Harlan Middle School serves grades 5-8 and Harlan High School houses students in 9-12th grade. Harlan Middle/High School has been recognized as one of America’s Best High Schools by US News and World Report for the last 15 consecutive years. To join the Green Dragon Family and pursue an exciting career with our district you must submit several documents to be considered for vacancies.

Please use the below documents to help ensure that all paperwork is on file so that you may be considered for vacancies with the district. If you have questions, please feel free to contact 606-573-8700 option 6 Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM -4:00 PM. Only candidates who complete and submit all required paperwork will be considered for employment.

Completed applications and related paperwork must be filed in the Central Office located at 420 E. Central St. Harlan, KY 40831. You may also mail your documentation to the same address. Additionally, you may email your completed application to Harlan.jobs@harlanind.kyschools.us.

Do not submit applications to schools or individuals within the school buildings. Feel free to schedule appointments to discuss potential jobs and vacancies with Supervisors or Principals. However, you must submit all applications to the Central Office. You may deliver materials in person if that is more convenient. The Harlan Independent Board of Education is located in the parking area of Harlan High School directly adjacent to the Humanities Building. Visitor parking is available directly in front of the building with the administrative offices located on the first floor. When completing an application, please make sure all contact information is correct. We will use this information to contact you.

You may also contact Mrs. Donna Fee at 606-573-8700 option 6 for questions about any position within the district. You may download applications for certified positions (teachers, administrators) or classified positions (bus drivers, teaching aides, custodial, cafe employees, secretaries, etc.,) online by clicking the appropriate links below.

All applications require a criminal background check.


Certified & Classified Salary Schedules

Employment Opportunities

Posting Date

Job Type

Job Title-#

Job Description

Posting Date

Job Type

Job Title/#

Job Description

February 18th, 2025


Superintendent of Schools 25-0018


The Superintendent shall be the professional advisor to the Board. As advisor to the Board, the

Superintendent shall recommend policies to the Board for its consideration and should advise and

counsel the Board on all matters.1


The Superintendent shall be the executive officer of the District. As executive officer, the

Superintendent is responsible for carrying out all policies and rules and regulations established by

the Board.1

March 11, 2025


District Finance Officer #25-0019

Plan, organize, control and direct the Board’s accounting and reporting system in conformance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Board of Education policies.

February 18th, 2025


Technology & Entreprenuer Coach #25-0020

The HHS Technology/Entrepreneurship Club Coach will work with the PRI FSCS School Coordinator and HHS Administration to coordinate technology and entrepreneurship opportunities for students outside of regular classroom instruction.