Congrats to Harlan Middle School Girls 7th and 8th Grade Basketball Team! HMS defeated Lynn Camp last night 35-31!
over 3 years ago, Leanne Huff
Due to a lack of available officials, the Harlan High vs Jenkins Football game originally scheduled for Friday, September 3rd will now be played on Thursday, September 2nd. The game is set for 7:30PM kickoff at Jenkins High School.
over 3 years ago, CD Morton
Date change
Congrats to Harlan Middle School 5th and 6th Girls Basketball Team! The Lady Dragons defeated Knox Central 32-28 and Bell County 34-23 this week. Awesome wins for the Dragons!
over 3 years ago, Leanne Huff
After two fantastic days into the 2021-2022 school year, Harlan High School sits “neath the suns warm glow” and eagerly awaits another day of magic between teachers and students! For more than 💯 years Harlan High School has offered our community an intimate educational experience focused on exceptional quality for all students! Great things are in store for the students of Harlan High School and the Harlan Independent School District. #FamilyofDragons
over 3 years ago, CD Morton
​ Free meals are available for all students age 18 and under this school year. Meals (breakfast and lunch) for students not enrolled in the Harlan Independent School District or enrolled virtually may be picked up at 11:00a.m. each school day at the Harlan Elementary Gym Door . Meals may be picked up by parents. Please call Emily Clem at 574-3476 with any questions.
over 3 years ago, CD Morton
free lunch
Even after 30 years, few things get me as excited as the first day of school. Students and staff at Harlan Independent are kicking off an amazing start to the school year. #ProudDragon 💚🐉#FamilyofDragons
over 3 years ago, CD Morton
back to sxhool
Cathy Thomas
opening day
Harlan is launching a new mobile app that helps students, parents, and community members know what is happening on campus, right from their phones. We know that families are using smartphones as a primary means to communicate. That’s why we’ve created an app that is custom-built for mobile. On the app, you can find documents, contact information for staff, and event information. You can download the app for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
over 3 years ago, CD Morton
In case you missed it, peep 👀 the billboard on the bypass. 84% of the 2021 senior class graduates with dual credit hours, some with as many as 30+! #excellenceineducation #familyofdragons
over 3 years ago, CD Morton
free dual credit
Congratulations to our 5th/6th grade Lady Dragons with a win tonight over Pineville. A huge shout-out to Addison Campbell for pouring in 28 points in tonight's game! The 5th/6th grade Lady Dragons are 3-0 in conference play. Great job, girls! #gobiggreen #buckets
over 3 years ago, Megan Freyer
5th/6th Grade Lady Dragons defeat Pineville
Harlan Middle School Girls 5th and 6th grade basketball team defeated Middlesboro 24-12. Congrats Lady Dragons!
over 3 years ago, Leanne Huff
Make sure to stop by the Harlan Center and get your 🚙 washed on Friday (9-3) to support the HHS CHEERLEADERS. 🐉💚📣
over 3 years ago, CD Morton
car wash flyer
Harlan Middle School Girls Basketball Team wins 2 games to start season! The HMS 5th and 6th grade basketball team defeated Williamsburg 30-11. The 7th and 8th grade basketball team also won against the Jackets 35-33.
over 3 years ago, Leanne Huff
It’s a family reunion for our Green Dragons at Harlan Independent!! Kindergarten and 5th Grade students participated in JUMPSTART today to help ensure a strong start for the 2021-2022 school year. Kindergarten will continue each day through August 5th. #FamilyofDragons
over 3 years ago, CD Morton
welcome class
JM's girls
It’s a family reunion for our Green Dragons at Harlan Independent!! Kindergarten and 5th Grade students participated in JUMPSTART today to help ensure a strong start for the 2021-2022 school year. Kindergarten will continue each day through August 5th. #FamilyofDragons
over 3 years ago, CD Morton
JM's girls
welcome class
Last week 16 students from Harlan Independent participated in the Washington Institute for Leading and Learning (WILL), sponsored by Kentucky Educational Development Corporation (KEDC) and the National Council for History Education (NCHE). Led by Harlan High School Social Studies teacher, Megan Freyer, students particpated in Zoom meetings with institutions and individuals from Washington D.C. pertaining to our nation's history: virtual tours of Mt. Vernon and Monticello, introductions to Ford's Theater and the National Archives and discussions with Kentucky Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman and author/historian Erica Armstrong Dunbar. The purpose of the program was to provide an opportunity to enhance student knowledge of our nation’s past so that they have the background to emerge as young leaders in our democracy. #familyofdragons #youngleaders
over 3 years ago, Harlan Independent Schools
Sunshine School Summer Explorers had a special visit from Zoo Knoxville last week. Students learned about how animals' teeth show us what they eat, and students were able to see and explore some special friends from the zoo.
over 3 years ago, Harlan Independent Schools
We are proud to partner with The Cawood Ledford Boys and Girls Club to positively impact the lives of students and families of Harlan County. #FamilyofDragons
over 3 years ago, Harlan Independent Schools
Cows at Harlan Elementary School?! On Friday, June 18th, Southland Dairy Farmers came to H.E.S. for our Dragons Beyond the Bell Extreme Summer Program and educated our students about cows and farming! The students learned about different types of cows and what part they played in the dairy farm. Southland Dairy Farmers also brought their very own cow for students to see!
over 3 years ago, Harlan Independent Schools
Harlan High ranked 19th Best Kentucky High School!
almost 4 years ago, Harlan Independent Schools